Masterpieces of Mitchell

I’m a big fan of art glass in the garden. I‘ve had the pleasure of meeting a Michigan glass artist named Craig Mitchell Smith. The first time I saw his work was at the Dow Gardens in Midland Michigan in the winter of 2010. I was curious & excited to see his work. Winter was a great time as the colorful glass & polished steel sculptures reflected beautifully against the snow. That same summer he showcased newer pieces at the Michigan State University display gardens in June. I just love the gardens at that time as almost everything is in bloom. Again his works were the stars amongst the plantings. It was then that I was able meet & talk with him a bit about how he got started & what inspired him. You can go to his website, to learn more about this talented artist. He was very gracious to spend some time with me talking about his stunning creations. My latest opportunity to view his works was again at Dow Gardens this month. His pieces are much bolder in scale as well as with more incorporation of the various metals he uses. It was just an awesome show. It was wonderful too that we could see the various gardens this time that had been covered in snow our last visit. Here are some photos of my favorite pieces from each show.

Clockwise from upper right: "Wavecrest", "Blue Star Rising", "Big Fish 1", and Untitled.

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